ot week - paediatric occupational therapy client story

A Client Story: Paediatric Occupational Therapy for Young Learners 

At Therapy Pro for Kids, our paediatric occupational therapist team work tirelessly to help clients build skills that promote participation and independence in their daily lives.  

Occupational therapists look at the whole person and help with physical, emotional, and mental challenges. For kids, this might mean improving how they use their hands for school tasks, getting better at talking to others, or learning life skills like getting dressed.  

OTs don’t just focus on the challenges their clients face, they work with each person’s strengths and interests to help them reach their potential. 

Meet Sam, our Young Learner in this OT Story 

Sam* is a young prep-aged child who came to us experiencing some challenges with his fine and gross motor skills. 

He was matched with Gillian, one of our Therapy Pro for Kids Paediatric Occupational Therapists. She works with children aged 0-12, and always strives to create a safe and warm therapy environment in which people from all backgrounds can feel comfortable and supported. Gillian’s primary goal for all therapy is to support children to embrace their individuality, explore their passions and work towards their dreams, no matter how big or small. 

When Gillian began working with Sam, his mother and teacher expressed concerns about his ability to perform basic tasks, such as cutting with scissors, drawing, and even writing his name. His drawings were mostly unrecognisable scribbles, and his scissor skills were awkward, which impacted his ability to participate in classroom activities.  

Beyond these developmental delays, Sam was also emotionally withdrawn, he barely spoke to Gillian during their initial sessions. 

Their Journey Together 

From the start, and in keeping with Gillian’s primary goal for all occupational therapy – she knew the importance of building a strong therapeutic relationship with Sam, recognising that trust and rapport would be the foundation for any progress. 

Occupational therapists often use play as a medium to engage children, particularly when they’re hesitant or withdrawn. Sam had a love of Pokémon, and once she discovered this, Gillian carefully wove this passion into their therapy sessions.  

Through playful activities such as cutting out Pokémon shapes, drawing characters, and writing related words, Gillian was able to support his motor development while making the sessions fun and engaging. 

To further enhance the Sam’s progress, Gillian provided his family with targeted activities to practice at home between sessions.  

Occupational therapists often view the family as essential partners in therapy, knowing that the skills practiced during structured therapy sessions need to be reinforced in everyday settings. By involving Sam’s family, Gillian empowered them to take an active role in their son’s development. 

Fast Progress Thanks to a Commitment to Therapy 

The results have been nothing short of transformative.  

Over a short period of time, Sam began to open up emotionally, talking throughout the sessions and running excitedly to greet Gillian at the door when she arrived.  

His motor skills also dramatically improved – he went from drawing scribbles to creating recognisable pictures, his handwriting became legible, and he gained control over his scissors. He even began to display more confidence in his gross motor movements.  

Both Sam’s mum and teacher have reported a difference in his performance at school, with improvements in his academic abilities and overall demeanour. 

The most rewarding part for Gillian has been watching her young client come out of his shell, both socially and developmentally.  

His family’s commitment to the therapy process was evident all thanks to the strong collaboration between Gillian, and Sam’s mum and teacher.  

Paediatric Occupational Therapy Impacts Lives 

This story is just one example of how paediatric occupational therapy can make a real difference in the lives of children, helping them gain the skills and confidence they need to do the things that are important in their worlds. 

If you or someone you know is facing challenges with fine or gross motor skills, social engagement, or other developmental delays, occupational therapy may be the support they need.  

At Therapy Pro, we provide client-centred care, helping clients of all ages participate fully in life. Reach out today to learn more about how OT can make a difference. 



*This client has been de-identified 

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