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Chelsea H

in Townsville

Chelsea joins Therapy Pro as a speech and language pathologist in Townsville. Chelsea is well trained to evaluate a client’s speech, language, fluency, literacy, voice and swallowing skills and address development or disorders.

Areas of experience

Alternative communication technologies

An ECEI (Early Childhood Early Intervention) practitioner

Support with communication challenges

Understands swallowing challenges

Works with adults

Works with children

Works with non verbal people


Chelsea is a James Cook University graduate.


“Eating is more than something we do to live. It’s social. Quality of life includes being able to eat with friends!”

How I work

Get to know Chelsea H

How can you support people?

I can help non verbal clients choose assistive technologies that can positively affect the rest of their lives. I can support clients with progressive conditions and support preparation for communication changes which can reduce frustrations and fear.

How does your background shape the way you work?

I love talking, laughing and eating with family and friends. My enjoyment of life drives my commitment to clients facing difficulties with communication and swallowing.

What is your approach to working with people?

Chelsea is well trained to evaluate a client’s speech, language, fluency, literacy, voice and swallowing skills and develop an individualised plan to address development or disorders.

Make an enquiry

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Discover where Chelsea H works

therapy pro client charter

Chelsea H can see people face-to-face in and around the following locations, or provide therapy Australia-wide over telehealth.


West End



The therapy services you need, delivered the way you want.