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Marisa M

in Melbourne North West

Marisa is a Speech and Language Pathologist based in Melbourne. Marisa works primarily with children and adolescents, supporting clients with communication, and has an interest in feeding and swallowing difficulties. She has experience working in NGO’s and the Queensland education system.

Areas of experience

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Spoken and non spoken communication

Support with communication challenges

Works with children

Works with non-verbal people

LOTE - Portuguese


Graduate of La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Medical Sciences, and a Graduate of The University of Queensland with a Master of Speech Pathology Studies


“Communication is an essential part of our lives. I’m here to support you with your communication.”

How I work

Get to know Marisa M

How can you support people?

Marisa works with clients and their support network to address challenges across all areas of communication.

How does your background shape the way you work?

Marisa has worked as a Speech Pathologist in the disability and public sector. She has predominantly worked in paediatrics supporting clients from 0 to 18 years of age.

What is your approach to working with people?

Marisa brings a client and family centered approach to therapy. She collaborates with clients and any relevant support persons to select appropriate and meaningful goals for the client.

Make an enquiry

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Discover where Marisa M works

therapy pro client charter

Marisa M can see people face-to-face in and around the following locations, or provide therapy Australia-wide over telehealth.

Caroline Springs




The therapy services you need, delivered the way you want.