Profession: Lead Speech Pathologist

Annie D

Annie works primarily with adults to assess and manage communication and swallowing difficulties. She has worked for over 15 years in a hospital environment providing neurological rehabilitation services, and has a particular interest and skill set in working with communication changes following a stroke, as well as with clients presenting with neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s […]

Nicole G

Nicole’s passion for communication has seen her join Therapy Pro’s Melbourne team to support children and adults with speech, swallowing and communication challenges.

Erum A

Erum joins the Therapy Pro team as a Senior Speech and Language Pathologist. Erum works across the age range and enjoys having a mix of clients, finding her motivation when people make steps to have an improved way to communicate.

Amy C

Amy joins Therapy Pro as a Senior Speech and Language Pathologist. Amy works with children and adolescents, supporting clients with Autism, learning and communication delays, and has an interest in how to provide assessment and intervention for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.