Therapist available or not?: Not taking new referrals

Aparna M

Aparna is a registered psychologist who supports clients across the lifespan. She has experience with both private and public practice. Aparna is able to support all presentations. She has experience working within the NDIS and has 4 years of experience post-registration.

Abanoub H

Abanoub works with children and adolescents, supporting clients with Autism, intellectual disability and learning delays. Abanoub also supports clients who may be expressing behaviours of concern and works with them to improve their quality of life.

Wendy D

As a registered psychologist, Wendy now has a range of tools to support child and adult clients’ emotional and mental health, undertaking psychological assessments and interventions.

Veronica C

Age range: Supports clients across the lifespan. Veronica works with clients across the lifespan who require psychological assessment and intervention.

Vidushana R

Vidu joins Therapy Pro’s South East Melbourne team as an early childhood Senior Speech and Language Pathologist, with a decade’s professional experience.

Shilagh T

Speech and language pathologist Shilagh joins Therapy Pro committed to enhancing clients’ lives through improved communication.

Sonja D

Age range: Supports clients aged 7+. A psychologist, Sonja brings real world experience in planning and implementing positive behaviour support plans and dealing with trauma.

Olivia M

Age Range: Works across the lifespan With experience working alongside individuals with Autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and trauma, Olivia aims to support those she works with to provide tailored interventions to address their unique needs and goals. Her passion lies in psychometric assessment and developing individualised strategies to empower clients on their journey towards positive […]

Nicole G

Nicole’s passion for communication has seen her join Therapy Pro’s Melbourne team to support children and adults with speech, swallowing and communication challenges.

Page S

At Therapy Pro, we’re excited to have Page as a lead occupational therapist on our team. Page has positively impacted countless people’s lives, helping clients living with physical or intellectual disabilities do what’s important to them, with greater independence, safely.

Rachel B

Senior Occupational Therapist Rachel feels blessed to help children and adults with disability reach their full potential doing what’s important for them.

Shannon P

Shannon is a highly engaged and solution-focused Behaviour Support Practitioner and Psychologist working in the Western Sydney Team. Shannon has an extensive background in disability, diverse groups and complex mental health.

Shannyn M

Shannyn has packed a lot into her career as a Senior Occupational Therapist since graduating in 2016. As part of a strong multidisciplinary team, Shannyn joins Therapy Pro to extend her experience, offering occupational therapist assessment and interventions to adults and children.

Jodie D

Jodie works specifically with children, helping them to develop their daily living tasks including dressing, toileting, bathing, exploring, eating, sitting, sleeping, going to school, making friends and playing.

Kate S

If you’re keen to shape up some unhelpful thoughts and behaviours, boost your self confidence, strengthen your resilience, and feel better – stronger – Kate is eager to help.

Lisa L

Lisa is an occupational therapist who views the world through a lens of possibilities, building on strengths and abilities.

Marta B

Marta has developed many areas of interest in a career that has seen her work with children and adults in community and government agencies, private practice and schools, addressing communication, speech, language and swallowing needs.

Martin S

Martin works with all ages. He has a background of working with children and adolescents with Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety. He has a particular interest in working on social skill building and developing the quality of relationships in people’s lives.

Letasha V

Age Range: Supports clients aged 0-12 Letasha Vorhauer (Kearney) trained as a Child and Family Psychologist, and has worked in public and private sectors both in New Zealand and Australia for 18 years. She has an interest in working with children, adolescents and their families, and has a particular interest in working with girls and […]

Erum A

Erum joins the Therapy Pro team as a Senior Speech and Language Pathologist. Erum works across the age range and enjoys having a mix of clients, finding her motivation when people make steps to have an improved way to communicate.